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Be your own Guru!

I believe we all have an internal guiding system and for some, we have civilised our way out of our inner Truths.

The Call To Adventure …

Depression is a good signal of more that wants to be attracted in us. Most of the time we push or medicate the feeling. What if we leaned in instead…to find out what is trying to express itself through us?

I grew up a regular kid and lived my life as society prescribed. I got the education, had the job, got married to my best friend, we have 3 beautiful kids, every single one of them, I love tremendously.

What happened next was I got depressed. At first I couldn’t understand where the feeling was coming from because it seemed like I had it all!

However, I could be in a room full of people, smiling in the outside and crying in the inside. My inside felt like I was slowly dying, day after day. I had numbed myself from my feelings and as a result, I was disconnected from myself and to my environment including the people who mattered most to me.

My soul was calling out to me. 2016 I had to wake up to that call and from depression and anxiety. I answered the call to an adventure towards my inner self.

The Initiation …

The Chinese symbol for crisis are two symbols. The first one is danger and the second one is opportunity. Every crisis also presents an opportunity.

At times the call to adventure comes with gentleness, when we listen. And at times it comes with destruction, when we have ignored it for such a long time.

My initiation into this adventure was not gentle. It was destructive to break down all the illusions that kept me stuck and in the mass hypnosis. I lost my job of over 10 years was terminated. Fear, more anxiety, uncertainty got me quickly into another job and again life had other plans for me. I subconsciously sabotaged that position and again I was forced to look within and asked myself…what next?

When one door closes, it makes space for another to open. I saw an ad on YouTube which was talking about entrepreneurship and building an online business. Something I had never considered, but I felt a strong pull to it. The offering was video-series workshop about creating an online business from scratch. This led me to join a global academy of entrepreneurs, mentors, and coaches. I was excited, it felt like new beginnings and I started on a journey of learning skillsets, mind sets and digital skills on how to create an online business. I was ready, I was excited and I knew this was my path.

But here is what I didn’t know….creating an online business also meant serving others on a particular offering. And in order to do that, I had to find out what I was good at apart from being a software engineer. I had to know myself to be able to serve another. I quickly realised that the mindset I had as an employee was not going to get me anywhere if I wanted to create the life and business I loved, and served others in a way that gives me that feeling of self actualisation. I was lost. completely lost and once again I had to pick another call to adventure. The journey towards the self.  

The Journey Inward …to Self.

In all of us there is a seed of potential that wants to be actualised. It whispers to us…listen to it. We would have to go beyond the limits of what we perceive as our reality.

I got to a point where I had to confront my inner barriers in order to create my life intentionally.

I had been doing yoga, while at the university and continued with it after and through both of my pregnancies. The effect Yoga had on my was calm, clarity and a sense of connection with the world around me.

So in confussion of trying to figure out my life, the whisper I had while at a yoga class was to go deeper, learn the philosophy and teachings of yoga, beyond it being a tool I used to calm my anxiety.  

I leaned in on that impulse. Summer of 2017, my amazing husband encouraged me to go for the training while he took care of the kids. I enrolled to the summer intensive 400Hrs Yoga Teacher’s Training at Bad Meinberg. It was intense.

I studied the Vedanta Philosophy, the different kinds of Yoga, took the exam and became a Yoga instructor.

Self Expression and Service…

Have the freedom to be yourself, because if you are not yourself, then who are you?

Life they say is what we make out of it, and I commit to make mine meaningful, self expressed and full of service.

Dec 2018, I lost my best friend and the greatest gift I had from her passing was to living with intention.

To honour her life I committed to make mine count. All the dreams and aspirations, it was time for me to honour them with action.  

I buried myself in personal development through different mentoring programs; Lifebook, BSchool and the Desire Map. All of these gave me a solid framework with which I started living my life from my heart centre and it has brought me so much inner peace and wholesomeness. 

The Desire Map had the greatest impact as it provided daily tools with which I now call in very intentional experiences into my life.

Today I’m a licensed Desire Map Facilitator, a yoga instructor & business strategist for entrepreneurs. My commitment is to do meaningful work. My devotion is to serve and my privilege is to see others find their self expression and live their truths which creates more love, and more joy to the collective.

How Can I   Help You?

As an official facilitator for Danielle LaPorte’s two flagship programs, and a product of this work, I can guide you to gain clarity, so you can handcraft your personal and professional life based on how you truly want to feel.

Whether it’s discovering your Core Desired Feelings with The Desire Map to create the life that you really want, or defining success on your own terms with the Fire Starter Sessions to set your carreer or business alight, I’ll work with you to make it happen.

Discover your Core Desired Feelings

Create a life you really love

Define Success on your own terms

Build a business you adore

Be . Create . Love

I believe inspiration is contagious and I want to share it with you. Follow me to stay up to date.